You are here:   HomeProductsCareer Intelligence Series # Interactive Workbooks and GuidebooksIntroduction to Federal Jobs # Tier Three - Single-Topic Guidebooks

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A Workbook for Applying to Federal Jobs

The government is the single largest employer in the USA, offering amazing benefits, job security, and more. Still, many job seekers are frightened by the prospect of applying for a Federal job.

The truth is the Federal job market is more complex and structured than the private; however, with a little bit of preparation and diligence, navigating and applying is manageable and certainly worth the extra effort. Recent changes in legislation have streamlined the process, making applying faster and easier than before, but there is still a lot you need to know before beginning your job search.

This workbook details recent legislative changes, teaches you how to find the best jobs, illustrates how to develop your career documents, and shows you how to navigate through the many requirements for a complete application.

  • Find the sources for federal job postings
  • Learn how to stand out and gain an edge over the rest
  • Uncover common mistakes that over 90% of applicants make
  • Discover current and future changes in the Federal job market
  • Develop research and writing techniques professional resume writers don’t want you to know
  • Become an expert at one of the most important crafts: creating effective career documents
  • Watch as you’re visually guided through each step along the way, properly applying is half the battle
  • Supercharge your application and documents with tips and advice from leading Federal experts.

What are you waiting for? Become a Federal expert, apply for that job, and land it! The techniques you’ll learn and develop will give you an edge over the competition. Best of all, these strategies apply to the inexperienced, students, entry-level candidates, management, and more—whomever you are, you’re covered! Capture your moment and land that Federal job you’ve been dreaming of!

76 pages

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