You are here:   HomeProductsCareer Intelligence Series # Interactive Workbooks and GuidebooksSelf-Analysis # Tier-Two - Single Topic Interactive Workbooks

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    "THANK YOU for all of your patience, this IS fun to be getting closer to a final
  • American Public University System

    "There is so much good content, it is difficult to decide what to include, and what should be

Self-Analysis Workbook

Kick-Off Your Career With Knowledge

Shakespeare knew what he was talking about...

Self-awareness is the key to choosing relevant training and education; it’s foundational to career satisfaction and career advancement. Knowing your strengths, interests, personality traits, and talents is a map to navigating your future.

Know Thyself

Sounds easy, but cutting through a childhood split between living up to expectations and toeing the line, do you really know what drives you? What your own personal values interests and traits are?

More importantly, can you shape knowledge of yourself into a lens through which you can effectively evaluate the major life and educational choices you’ll be making?

Now you can. This interactive workbook will light your way in uncovering you!

76 pages

Read a sample of Self-Analysis Kick Off Your Career with Knowledge
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