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    "I love it! It flows so much better in this format. I will, however, love to have this new format for fall
  • Alma College

    "THANK YOU for all of your patience, this IS fun to be getting closer to a final

Comprehensive Course Guide

Presenting your multi-tiered approach to subject-matter expertise, Education Career Services delivers career management collateral fitting every program and need, from in-depth, detailed full-service courseware, to single-topic subjects ideal for workshops or individual use. Complementary branding for all orders exceeding quantity of 100.

Customized to YOUR curriculum, partner directly with the writing/editing department for brand content, amplifications, samples, and/or personalizations. This career development guide is a collaboration of over 30 career directors who knows what works in and outside the classroom, coordinated by a former college instructor, career director, and dean of academic affairs. Our textbooks are ideal for semester courses or integration into a two- or four-year program from day one to post-graduation!


This companion guide sets the standard and includes lecture notes, schedules, interactive exercises, forms, templates, and in-class/homework projects to inspire confidence for the novice instructor as well as the seasoned professor. Developed by college instructors, career practictioners, and professors, you now have cross-campus best practices at every step and every page.