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Professional | Associations

  • PRWA
  • NRWA
  • CMA


  • Alma College

    "THANK YOU for all of your patience, this IS fun to be getting closer to a final
  • Indiana State University Career Center

    "I love "Career Break Out" and the marketing with ISU colors and

No other product like this on the market.

Customized, branded, and published solely for each academic institution. From cover to cover, our team works directly with your career services department for design, layout, and text development as well as image inclusion and placement. An annual electronic site license includes start up, design, development, and two revisions (hard copy format also available). Take a moment to reflect what YOU would like to have in a career magazine. During your review, establish a bucket list and, as always, topics and tone will be altered per publication to match YOUR objectives, student base, and budget.

ISU Career Guide Sample

Alma College Career Guide Sample