You are here:   HomeProductsCareer Intelligence Series # Interactive Workbooks and GuidebooksNetworking in the Digital Age # Tier Three - Single-Topic Guidebooks

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  • YTI University

    "Danny Huffman, provided material that, as a Director of Career Services, was exactly what our students, faculty and employers were in search of for a very long
  • Adawe LifePlan Center

    "I appreciate your willingness to work with me. The PowerPoint is great! I like the puzzle piece

In the world of Facebook and MySpace, isn’t everyone up on digital networking?

"The majority of all jobs (70%-80%) are found through networking"

Absolutely not! Dragging social networking over to business networking can set back your career by decades!

Whether you’re new to digital networking or a social pro, this guide will bring you up to speed on getting connected with business peers on the World Wide Web – and equally important, what real-world networking the Internet can’t replace. Within these pages you will learn:

  • Why networking of any kind is so vital to your career
  • What to expect from an online networking service
  • The best strategy to build a strong, three-tier network
  • The most effective way to communicate with your contacts (and what not to do!)
  • How to augment your digital networking with old-fashioned person-to-person contact.

While your career competitors are making critical mistakes, you’ll be energizing your network for ongoing career success!

80 pages

Read a sample of Networking Fundamentals
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