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  • Indiana State University Career Center

    "I love "Career Break Out" and the marketing with ISU colors and
  • American Public University

    "I'm very pleased with the progress so far in light of the time constraints we've asked you to work within and the needs we have. I'm so excited about this course coming

Client Portfolio

Passion for the web, photography and the detailed weaving together of the two. There is nothing we love more than capturing the moment and portraying this in the work we do for our clients.

Catered to Community College students, UACCB partnered with ECS to develop an in-class career marketing manual designed to enhance career preparation and college pride. Working closely with their Career Services Department, students are benefiting from best practice approaches and input from across the country.



YTI instituted a most progressive stand on student career development and we are privileged to be part of this program. Incoming students receive a copy of Your Personal Career Guide, instructors then introduce specific concepts during general education courses. Prior to graduation, students are enrolled in a concentrated career portfolio class as their transition to employment is seamless.

Given the size and scope of YTI, a two-day training seminar was conducted to over 50 of YTI’s career professionals. During this session, input, suggestions, and proprietary material was shared and eventually incorporated into their final product.


This 84 page saddle stitch full-color career guide introduces students to college preparation, self-analyses, internships, options upon graduation, and much more. Designed specifically for ISU, this advertisement-driven magazine is distributed to all students without cost to administration or students. No doubt a win-win- situation for everyone!


Your Guide to Career Opportunities is a prime example of how working together works! Throughout a classroom setting, Harrison College students are supplied with a truly career management collaborative effort. Images, text placement, section order, and branding represent the Harrison College experience, resulting in greater campus pride and student involvement.


Catering to an online and hardcopy platform, students from across the globe are taking advantage of proven career management methodologies. Given student demographics and the military influence, we dedicated a complete section on KSA and the federal job market. Working directly with your programs and academic goals, no two career guides are identical!


Developed for the Manderson Graduate School of Business, we incorporated activities, forms, and proprietary information for their exclusive use. Currently delivered electronically, the front cover is branded to reflect student(s) representing highest academic achievements. Each publication brings campus-wide excitement as a new cover is introduced.


Encompassing diverse programs and multiple campuses, we customized Herzing University’s career guide with the goal of supplying a high-standard baseline fit for a large geographic region. Partnering with ECS gives you a lasting professional relationship and 24 hour accessibility.


Designed specifically for Coll 498, Senior Seminar in General Studies, this instructor guide was customized to fit a student-base consisting of mostly military students. Truly a challenge for our writing staff but we are fortunate to have two professional writers with hands-on military and instructional experience.


For just a moment, think about the benefit of having a core career textbook AND instructor resource guide designed specifically for your academic institution. Harrison College is a prime example of what can happen through team work and a passion to assist students as they transition into the workplace.


Currently in their sixth edition and much like University of Alabama, PSB revises their front cover to reflect current or graduating students. Images within the text also reflect an active student and staff base, further igniting campus excitement and anticipation with each publication.


As with all career guides and textbooks developed by ECS, Defiance College has taken advantage of a working relationship dedicated to customer service and distribution of high quality material.


No other product like this on the market.

Customized, branded, and published solely for each academic institution. From cover to cover, our team works directly with your career services department for design, layout, and text development as well as image inclusion and placement. An annual electronic site license includes start up, design, development, and two revisions (hard copy format also available). Take a moment to reflect what YOU would like to have in a career magazine. During your review, establish a bucket list and, as always, topics and tone will be altered per publication to match YOUR objectives, student base, and budget.


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work Tel: 321-972-8919
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