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  • YTI University

    "Danny Huffman, provided material that, as a Director of Career Services, was exactly what our students, faculty and employers were in search of for a very long

    "I love it! It flows so much better in this format. I will, however, love to have this new format for fall

YTI instituted a most progressive stand on student career development and we are privileged to be part of this program. Incoming students receive a copy of Your Personal Career Guide, instructors then introduce specific concepts during general education courses. Prior to graduation, students are enrolled in a concentrated career portfolio class as their transition to employment is seamless.

Given the size and scope of YTI, a two-day training seminar was conducted to over 50 of YTI’s career professionals. During this session, input, suggestions, and proprietary material was shared and eventually incorporated into their final product.

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